Tauchen Method - Discretization of AR(1) process of labor productivity - l
Original Description
This function discretizes a continuous AR(1) process by using the method proposed by Tauchen (1986). The AR(1) process takes the following form: y(t) = mu + rho*y(t-1) + eps(t), where eps ~ N(0,sig^2) Parts of the code are taken from the function tauchen.m written by Martin Flodén.
INPUTS - fl_mu: scalar, intercept term of the AR(1) process; fl_rho: scalar, AR-coefficient; fl_sig: scalar, standard deviation of innovations; it_zgridno: scalar, number of grid points for the discretized process;
OUTPUTS - ar_z: column vector of size Nx1, contains all possible states in ascending order; mt_Pi: matrix of size NxN, contains the transition proabilities. Rows are current state and columns future state;
Author: Jan Hannes Lang Date: 6.7.2010
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function [ar_z, mt_Pi] = mytauchen_l(varargin)
Function default parameters setting
close all; profile off; profile on; if ~isempty(varargin) [fl_mu_l, fl_rho_l, fl_sig_l, it_zgridno, fl_lambda_z] = varargin{:} bl_display_param = true; else fl_mu_l = 0; fl_rho_l = 0.9; fl_sig_l = 0.2; it_zgridno = 2; fl_lambda_z = 3; bl_display_param = true; end ar_z = zeros(it_zgridno,1); mt_Pi = zeros(it_zgridno,it_zgridno); ar_z(1) = fl_mu_l/(1-fl_rho_l) - fl_lambda_z*sqrt(fl_sig_l^2/(1-fl_rho_l^2)); ar_z(it_zgridno) = fl_mu_l/(1-fl_rho_l) + fl_lambda_z*sqrt(fl_sig_l^2/(1-fl_rho_l^2)); step = (ar_z(it_zgridno)-ar_z(1))/(it_zgridno-1);
Constructing Labor productivity array
for i=2:(it_zgridno-1) ar_z(i) = ar_z(i-1) + step; end
Constructing Labor productivity transition matrix
for j = 1:it_zgridno for k = 1:it_zgridno if k == 1 mt_Pi(j,k) = cdf_normal((ar_z(1) - fl_mu_l - fl_rho_l*ar_z(j) + step/2) / fl_sig_l); elseif k == it_zgridno mt_Pi(j,k) = 1 - cdf_normal((ar_z(it_zgridno) - fl_mu_l - fl_rho_l*ar_z(j) - step/2) / fl_sig_l); else mt_Pi(j,k) = cdf_normal((ar_z(k) - fl_mu_l - fl_rho_l*ar_z(j) + step/2) / fl_sig_l) - ... cdf_normal((ar_z(k) - fl_mu_l - fl_rho_l*ar_z(j) - step/2) / fl_sig_l); end end end
Displaying labor productivity array and transition matrix
if (bl_display_param == true) fprintf (2, 'Labor Productivity array \n'); disp ('--------------------------'); disp (ar_z'); fprintf (2, 'Transition Matrix \n'); disp ('------------------'); disp (mt_Pi); end profile off; profile viewer; st_file_name = ['/Users/sidhantkhanna/Documents/GitHub/BKS modified/code/Profile/mytauchen_l_profile']; profsave(profile('info'), st_file_name);
Labor Productivity array -------------------------- -1.3765 1.3765 Transition Matrix ------------------ 1.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.0000 The files //Users/sidhantkhanna/Documents/GitHub/BKS and /Users/sidhantkhanna/Documents/GitHub/BKS modified/code/Firms/modified/code/Profile/mytauchen_l_profile/file0.html do not exist.
function c = cdf_normal(x)
c = 0.5 * erfc(-x/sqrt(2));