Assign parameter values

Function defines and assigns values to model parameter and support variabes. Stores these variables in containers called params_map and support_map respectively. Displays parameters with their values in table form.

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Function Inputs : it_model_param

Function Outputs : Container maps params_map and support_map containing model parameters


    function [params_map, support_map] = ff_params_set(varargin)

Function default parameters setting

    if ~isempty(varargin)

        [it_model_param]      = varargin{:}
         bl_display_param     = true;

         it_model_param        = 2;

         bl_display_param = true;


Aiyagari Parameters

    if (it_model_param == 1)
     % Preferences
        fl_beta     = 0.96;                % Discount factor
        fl_risk     = 3;                   % coefficient of relative risk aversion

     % Productivity shock parameters
        fl_mu       = 0.8;                 % mean of AR(1) productivity process
        fl_rho      = 0.6;                 % persistence parameter of the AR(1) productivity process
        fl_sig      = 0.2;                 % standard deviation of shock of productivity process
        fl_lambda   = 3;                   % parameter determining bounds of productivity process

     % Production function and other main model parameters
        fl_A        = 1;                   % TFP
        fl_alpha    = 0.36;                % Elasticity of output with respect to capital

        fl_delta    = 0.08;                % Depreciation of capital
        fl_N        = 1;                   % Population size

     % Asset and productivity grid parameters

        it_lgridno  = 7;                   % No of points on productivity Grid
        it_agridno  = 100;                 % No of points on asset Grid
        fl_alo      = 0;                   % lower limit of asset grid
        fl_ahi      = 50;                  % Upper limit of asset grid

     % Interest rate parameters
        fl_r        =  0.0286;             % Guess of interest rate
        fl_r1       = -fl_delta;           % Lower bound for interest rate
        fl_r2       = (1-fl_beta)/fl_beta; % Upper bound for interest rate
        fl_R        = fl_r + fl_delta;     % Rental rate

     % Convergence criterion parameters
        fl_tolvfi   = 10^-6;               % tolerance level for convergence of value function
        fl_toldis   = 10^-5;               % tolerance level for convergence of stationary distribution
        fl_toleq    = 10^-6;               % tolerance for solving equilibrium r

     % Variables for storing path and image names for different outputs

        st_img_path ='/Users/sidhantkhanna/Desktop/Research/Matlab Code/My codes/Model'; % Path for Storing images
        st_img_name ='saveoutput';        % File name of output file to be stored

     % Adding parameters in container params_map

    params_map = containers.Map('KeyType', 'char', 'ValueType', 'any');
    params_map('fl_beta')     = fl_beta;
    params_map('fl_risk')     = fl_risk;
    params_map('fl_mu')       = fl_mu;
    params_map('fl_rho')      = fl_rho;
    params_map('fl_sig')      = fl_sig;
    params_map('fl_lambda')   = fl_lambda;
    params_map('fl_alpha')    = fl_alpha;
    params_map('fl_delta')    = fl_delta;
    params_map('fl_A')        = fl_A;
    params_map('fl_N')        = fl_N;
    params_map('it_lgridno')  = it_lgridno;
    params_map('it_agridno')  = it_agridno;
    params_map('fl_alo')      = fl_alo;
    params_map('fl_ahi')      = fl_ahi;
    params_map('fl_r')        = fl_r;
    params_map('fl_R')        = fl_R;
    params_map('fl_r1')       = fl_r1;
    params_map('fl_r2')       = fl_r2;
    params_map('fl_tolvfi')   = fl_tolvfi;
    params_map('fl_toldis')   = fl_toldis;
    params_map('fl_toleq')    = fl_toleq;

    % Adding parameters in container support_map

    support_map = containers.Map('KeyType', 'char', 'ValueType', 'any');
    support_map('st_img_path')   = st_img_path;
    support_map('st_img_name')   = st_img_name;

    ar_params_names          = keys(params_map);     % Variables defined in params_map
    ar_params_values         = values(params_map);   % Values of variables defined in params_map

Displaying Aiyagari parameters in a table

    if (bl_display_param == true)
        tb_params_map = table(ar_params_names' , ar_params_values');
        tb_params_map.Properties.VariableNames = {'Parameter_name', 'Value'};

BKS (2 OC) Parameters

    elseif (it_model_param == 2)           % BKS
    % Preferences

        fl_beta      = 0.92;                % Discount factor
        fl_risk      = 1.5;                 % coefficient of relative risk aversion

    % Entrepreneurship productivity shock parameters

        fl_mu        = 0;                   % mean of AR(1) entrepeneurial productivity process
        fl_rho       = 0.9;                 % persistence parameter of the AR(1) entrepreneurial productivity process
        fl_sig       = 0.2;                 % standard deviation of shock of entrepreneurial productivity process
        fl_lambda    = 3;                   % parameter determining bounds of entrepreneurial productivity process

    % Production function parameters

        fl_alpha     = 0.36;                % Elasticity of output with respect to capital
        fl_theta     = 0.79-fl_alpha;       % Elasticity of output with respect to labor
        fl_kappa     = 0;                   % Sunk cost involved in production

    % Other main model parameters

        fl_delta     = 0.06;                % Depreciation of capital
        fl_N         = 1;                   % Population size

    % Asset, capital, productivity grid parameters

        it_zgridno   = 10;                  % No of Points on Income Grid
        it_agridno   = 100;                 % No of Points on Asset Grid
        it_k_n       = 10000;               % No of Points on Capital Grid
        fl_alo       = 0;                   % Lower limit of asset grid
        fl_ahi       = 50;                  % Upper limit of asset grid

    % Convergence Criterion parameters

        fl_tolvfi    = 10^-12;              % Tolerance level for convergence of value function
        fl_toldis    = 10^-12;              % Tolerance level for convergence stationary distribution

    % Variables for storing path and image names for different outputs

        st_img_path  = '/Users/sidhantkhanna/Desktop/Research/Matlab Code/My codes/Model'; % Path for Storing images
        st_img_name  = 'saveoutput';        % File name of output file to be stored

    % Solving PE/GE related parameters

        fl_r            = 0.0467;                   % interest rate
        fl_w            = 1.0667;                   % wages
        fl_phi          = 1;                        % institutional efficiency
        fl_R            = fl_r + fl_delta;          % rental rate
        it_r_gridpoints = 10;                       % No of points on interest rate grid
        it_w_gridpoints = 10;                       % No of points on wages grid
        ar_r            = linspace(0.04,0.09,it_r_gridpoints);    % array for interest rate guesses to solve GE price
        ar_w            = linspace(1.5,2.5,it_w_gridpoints);      % array for wage rate guesses to solve GE prices
        ar_R            = ar_r +fl_delta*ones(1,it_r_gridpoints); % array for rental rate guesses to solve GE prices

    % Adding parameters in container params_map

    params_map = containers.Map('KeyType', 'char', 'ValueType', 'any');
    params_map('fl_beta')    = fl_beta;
    params_map('fl_risk')    = fl_risk;
    params_map('fl_mu')      = fl_mu;
    params_map('fl_rho')     = fl_rho;
    params_map('fl_sig')     = fl_sig;
    params_map('fl_lambda')  = fl_lambda;
    params_map('fl_alpha')   = fl_alpha;
    params_map('fl_theta')   = fl_theta;
    params_map('fl_kappa')   = fl_kappa;
    params_map('fl_delta')   = fl_delta;
    params_map('fl_N')       = fl_N;
    params_map('it_agridno') = it_agridno;
    params_map('it_zgridno') = it_zgridno;
    params_map('fl_alo')     = fl_alo;
    params_map('fl_ahi')     = fl_ahi;
    params_map('fl_tolvfi')  = fl_tolvfi;
    params_map('fl_toldis')  = fl_toldis;
    params_map('fl_r')       = fl_r;
    params_map('fl_w')       = fl_w;
    params_map('fl_phi')     = fl_phi;
    params_map('fl_R')       = fl_R;
    params_map('ar_r')       = ar_r;
    params_map('ar_w')       = ar_w;
    params_map('ar_R')       = ar_R;

    % Adding parameters in container support_map

    support_map = containers.Map('KeyType', 'char', 'ValueType', 'any');
    support_map('st_img_path') = st_img_path;
    support_map('st_img_name') = st_img_name;

    ar_params_names          = keys(params_map);     % Variables defined in params_map
    ar_params_values         = values(params_map);   % Values of variables defined in params_map

Displaying BKS (2 OC) parameters in a table

      if (bl_display_param == true)
        tb_params_map = table(ar_params_names' , ar_params_values');
        tb_params_map.Properties.VariableNames = {'Parameter_name', 'Value'};
    Parameter_name        Value    
    ______________    _____________

     'ar_R'           [1×10 double]
     'ar_r'           [1×10 double]
     'ar_w'           [1×10 double]
     'fl_N'           [          1]
     'fl_R'           [     0.1067]
     'fl_ahi'         [         50]
     'fl_alo'         [          0]
     'fl_alpha'       [     0.3600]
     'fl_beta'        [     0.9200]
     'fl_delta'       [     0.0600]
     'fl_kappa'       [          0]
     'fl_lambda'      [          3]
     'fl_mu'          [          0]
     'fl_phi'         [          1]
     'fl_r'           [     0.0467]
     'fl_rho'         [     0.9000]
     'fl_risk'        [     1.5000]
     'fl_sig'         [     0.2000]
     'fl_theta'       [     0.4300]
     'fl_toldis'      [ 1.0000e-12]
     'fl_tolvfi'      [ 1.0000e-12]
     'fl_w'           [     1.0667]
     'it_agridno'     [        100]
     'it_zgridno'     [         10]

BKS (3 OC) Parameters - 2 shocks - Yona

    elseif (it_model_param == 3)           % BKS 3 OC - 2 shocks
    % Preferences

        fl_beta      = 0.92;                % Discount factor
        fl_risk      = 1.5;                 % coefficient of relative risk aversion

    % Entrepreneurship productivity shock parameters

        fl_mu_z        = 0;                   % mean of AR(1) entrepeneurial productivity process
        fl_rho_z       = 0.9;                 % persistence parameter of the AR(1) entrepreneurial productivity process
        fl_sig_z       = 0.2;                 % standard deviation of shock of entrepreneurial productivity process
        fl_lambda_z    = 3;                   % parameter determining bounds of entrepreneurial productivity process

    % Labor productivity shock parameters

        fl_mu_l        = 0;                   % mean of AR(1) labor productivity process
        fl_rho_l       = 0.9;                 % persistence parameter of the AR(1) labor productivity process
        fl_sig_l       = 0.2;                 % standard deviation of shock of labor productivity process
        fl_lambda_l    = 3;                   % parameter determining bounds of labor productivity process

    % Production function  parameters for both entrepreneur and self-employed

        fl_alpha_e   = 0.36;                % Elasticity of output with respect to capital for entrepreneur
        fl_theta     = 0.79-fl_alpha_e;     % Elasticity of output with respect to labor for entrepreneur
        fl_kappa     = 0;                   % Sunk cost involved in production for entrepreneur
        fl_alpha_se   = 0.36;               % Elasticity of output with respect to capital for self-employed

    % Other main model parameters

        fl_delta     = 0.06;                % Depreciation of capital
        fl_N         = 1;                   % Population size

    % Asset, capital, productivity grid parameters

        it_zgridno   = 10;                  % No of Points on Income Grid
        it_agridno   = 100;                 % No of Points on Asset Grid
        it_k_n       = 10000;               % No of Points on Capital Grid
        fl_alo       = 0;                   % Lower limit of asset grid
        fl_ahi       = 50;                  % Upper limit of asset grid

    % Convergence Criterion parameters

        fl_tolvfi    = 10^-12;              % Tolerance level for convergence of value function
        fl_toldis    = 10^-12;              % Tolerance level for convergence stationary distribution

    % Variables for storing path and image names for different outputs

        st_img_path  = '/Users/sidhantkhanna/Desktop/Research/Matlab Code/My codes/Model'; % Path for Storing images
        st_img_name  = 'saveoutput';        % File name of output file to be stored

    % Solving PE/GE related parameters

        fl_r            = 0.0467;                   % interest rate
        fl_w            = 1.0667;                   % wages
        fl_phi          = 1;                        % institutional efficiency
        fl_R            = fl_r + fl_delta;          % rental rate
        it_r_gridpoints = 10;                       % No of points on interest rate grid
        it_w_gridpoints = 10;                       % No of points on wages grid
        ar_r            = linspace(0.04,0.09,it_r_gridpoints);    % array for interest rate guesses to solve GE price
        ar_w            = linspace(1.5,2.5,it_w_gridpoints);      % array for wage rate guesses to solve GE prices
        ar_R            = ar_r +fl_delta*ones(1,it_r_gridpoints); % array for rental rate guesses to solve GE prices

    % Adding parameters in container params_map

    params_map = containers.Map('KeyType', 'char', 'ValueType', 'any');
    params_map('fl_beta')    = fl_beta;
    params_map('fl_risk')    = fl_risk;
    params_map('fl_mu')      = fl_mu;
    params_map('fl_rho')     = fl_rho;
    params_map('fl_sig')     = fl_sig;
    params_map('fl_lambda')  = fl_lambda;
    params_map('fl_alpha')   = fl_alpha;
    params_map('fl_theta')   = fl_theta;
    params_map('fl_kappa')   = fl_kappa;
    params_map('fl_delta')   = fl_delta;
    params_map('fl_N')       = fl_N;
    params_map('it_agridno') = it_agridno;
    params_map('it_zgridno') = it_zgridno;
    params_map('fl_alo')     = fl_alo;
    params_map('fl_ahi')     = fl_ahi;
    params_map('fl_tolvfi')  = fl_tolvfi;
    params_map('fl_toldis')  = fl_toldis;
    params_map('fl_r')       = fl_r;
    params_map('fl_w')       = fl_w;
    params_map('fl_phi')     = fl_phi;
    params_map('fl_R')       = fl_R;
    params_map('ar_r')       = ar_r;
    params_map('ar_w')       = ar_w;
    params_map('ar_R')       = ar_R;

    % Adding parameters in container support_map

    support_map = containers.Map('KeyType', 'char', 'ValueType', 'any');
    support_map('st_img_path') = st_img_path;
    support_map('st_img_name') = st_img_name;

    ar_params_names          = keys(params_map);     % Variables defined in params_map
    ar_params_values         = values(params_map);   % Values of variables defined in params_map

Displaying BKS (3 OC) - 2 shocks parameters in a table

      if (bl_display_param == true)
        tb_params_map = table(ar_params_names' , ar_params_values');
        tb_params_map.Properties.VariableNames = {'Parameter_name', 'Value'};