time | Calls | line |
| | 1 | function c = mat2cell(x,varargin)
| | 2 | %MAT2CELL Break matrix up into a cell array of matrices.
| | 3 | % C = MAT2CELL(X,M,N) breaks up the 2-D array X into a cell array of
| | 4 | % adjacent submatrices of X. X is an array of size [ROW COL], M is the
| | 5 | % vector of row sizes (must sum to ROW) and N is the vector of column
| | 6 | % sizes (must sum to COL). The elements of M and N determine the size of
| | 7 | % each cell in C by satisfying the following formula for I = 1:LENGTH(M)
| | 8 | % and J = 1:LENGTH(N),
| | 9 | %
| | 10 | % SIZE(C{I,J}) == [M(I) N(J)]
| | 11 | %
| | 12 | % C = MAT2CELL(X,D1,D2,D3,...,DN) breaks up the multidimensional array X
| | 13 | % and returns a multidimensional cell array of adjacent submatrices of X.
| | 14 | % Each of the vector arguments, D1 through DN, should sum to the
| | 15 | % respective dimension sizes of X, such that for P = 1:N,
| | 16 | %
| | 17 | % SIZE(X,P) == SUM(DP)
| | 18 | %
| | 19 | % The elements of D1 through DN determine the size of each cell in C by
| | 20 | % satisfying the formula for IP = 1:LENGTH(DP),
| | 21 | %
| | 22 | % SIZE(C{I1,I2,I3,...,IN}) == [D1(I1) D2(I2) D3(I3) ... DN(IN)]
| | 23 | %
| | 24 | % C = MAT2CELL(X,R) breaks up an array X by returning a single column
| | 25 | % cell array, containing the rows of X. R must sum to the number of rows
| | 26 | % of X. The elements of R determine the size of each cell in C, subject
| | 27 | % to the following formula for I = 1:LENGTH(R),
| | 28 | %
| | 29 | % SIZE(C{I},1) == R(I)
| | 30 | %
| | 31 | % C = MAT2CELL(X,...,[],...) will return an empty cell array whose empty
| | 32 | % size matches the lengths of the vector arguments, D1 through DN. Note
| | 33 | % that the length of an empty vector is zero.
| | 34 | %
| | 35 | % MAT2CELL supports all array types.
| | 36 | %
| | 37 | % Example:
| | 38 | % X = [1 2 3 4; 5 6 7 8; 9 10 11 12];
| | 39 | % C = mat2cell(X,[1 2],[1 3])
| | 40 | %
| | 41 | % See also CELL2MAT, NUM2CELL
| | 42 |
| | 43 | % Copyright 1984-2014 The MathWorks, Inc.
| | 44 |
< 0.001 | 8 | 45 | narginchk(2,Inf);
| | 46 |
| | 47 | % Allow use of a single input vector argument by assuming the remaining ones
| | 48 | % Remaining vectors will be the size of the input array along the
| | 49 | % respective dimension. Necessary for backwards compatibility.
< 0.001 | 8 | 50 | if nargin == 2
| | 51 | dims = ndims(x);
| | 52 | varargin{dims} = 0;
| | 53 | for n=2:dims
| | 54 | varargin{n} = size(x,n);
| | 55 | end
< 0.001 | 8 | 56 | end
| | 57 |
< 0.001 | 8 | 58 | cellsize = cellfun('length',varargin);
| | 59 |
| | 60 | % Verify that the number of input arguments meets syntax requirements.
< 0.001 | 8 | 61 | if length(varargin) ~= ndims(x)
| | 62 | % Check if the last input vectors have value 1 that would not
| | 63 | % affect the output
| | 64 | vLengthInit = length(varargin);
| | 65 | while (isequal(varargin{end},1)) && (length(varargin) > ndims(x))
| | 66 | varargin = {varargin{1:end-1}};
| | 67 | end
| | 68 |
| | 69 | cellsize = cellfun('length',varargin);
| | 70 |
| | 71 | if length(varargin) ~= ndims(x)
| | 72 | error(message('MATLAB:mat2cell:ArgumentCountMismatch', ...
| | 73 | length(varargin),ndims(x)));
| | 74 | end
< 0.001 | 8 | 75 | end
| | 76 |
| | 77 | % Verify that all dimension size arguments are vectors
< 0.001 | 8 | 78 | if ~isequal(cellsize,cellfun('prodofsize',varargin))
| | 79 | error(message('MATLAB:mat2cell:NonVectorArgument', ...
| | 80 | length(varargin)));
< 0.001 | 8 | 81 | end
| | 82 |
| | 83 | % Verify that the input vectors sum to the input matrix dimensions.
< 0.001 | 8 | 84 | vecsums = zeros(size(varargin));
< 0.001 | 8 | 85 | for n = 1:length(vecsums)
< 0.001 | 16 | 86 | vecsums(n) = sum(varargin{n}(:));
< 0.001 | 16 | 87 | end
< 0.001 | 8 | 88 | if ~isequal(vecsums,size(x))
| | 89 | error(message('MATLAB:mat2cell:VectorSumMismatch', length(varargin),num2str(size(x))));
< 0.001 | 8 | 90 | end
| | 91 |
| | 92 | % If an input vector was found to be empty, return an empty cell array
| | 93 | % as described in the help. This is necessary for backward
| | 94 | % compatibility.
< 0.001 | 8 | 95 | if any(cellfun('isempty',varargin))
| | 96 | c = cell(cellfun('length',varargin));
| | 97 | return
< 0.001 | 8 | 98 | end
| | 99 |
| | 100 |
| | 101 | % If matrix is 2-D, execute 2-D code for speed efficiency
< 0.001 | 8 | 102 | if ndims(x)==2
< 0.001 | 8 | 103 | rowSizes = varargin{1};
< 0.001 | 8 | 104 | colSizes = varargin{2};
< 0.001 | 8 | 105 | rows = length(rowSizes);
< 0.001 | 8 | 106 | cols = length(colSizes);
< 0.001 | 8 | 107 | c = cell(rows,cols);
| | 108 | % Construct each cell element by indexing into X with iterations of
| | 109 | % matrix subscripts (i,j)
< 0.001 | 8 | 110 | rowStart = 0;
< 0.001 | 8 | 111 | for i=1:rows
< 0.001 | 8 | 112 | colStart = 0;
< 0.001 | 8 | 113 | for j=1:cols
0.001 | 56 | 114 | c{i,j} = x(rowStart+(1:rowSizes(i)),colStart+(1:colSizes(j)));
< 0.001 | 56 | 115 | colStart = colStart + colSizes(j);
< 0.001 | 56 | 116 | end
< 0.001 | 8 | 117 | rowStart = rowStart + rowSizes(i);
< 0.001 | 8 | 118 | end
< 0.001 | 8 | 119 | return
| | 120 | end
| | 121 |
| | 122 | % Now treat 3+ dimension arrays
| | 123 | % Initialize cell array
| | 124 | c = cell(cellsize);
| | 125 |
| | 126 | % Initialize the dimension counter, which keeps track of which cell element
| | 127 | % we are constructing
| | 128 | dimcounts = ones(size(varargin));
| | 129 | dimcounts(1) = 0;
| | 130 |
| | 131 | % Initialize the subscript references when indexing into the matrix
| | 132 | % REFSTART is the set of matrix subscripts to be included in the first
| | 133 | % cell element.
| | 134 | % REF is the set of matrix subscripts to be included in the loop's current
| | 135 | % cell element.
| | 136 | % TREF is a copy of REF, but replaces the 0's with []'s so that the
| | 137 | % indexing makes apprpriate empty cells instead of trying to index
| | 138 | % with 0, which would cause an error.
| | 139 | % REFSTATIC keeps track of which TREF's are [] as the dimension
| | 140 | % counter, DIMCOUNTS, increments through each of the cells. This
| | 141 | % is required since adding 0 when incrementing the references
| | 142 | % returns a value that REF needs to know, but the index should be
| | 143 | % [].
| | 144 | refstart = cell(size(cellsize));
| | 145 | for n=1:length(refstart)
| | 146 | refstart{n} = 1:varargin{n}(1);
| | 147 | if isempty(refstart{n})
| | 148 | refstart{n} = 0;
| | 149 | end
| | 150 | end
| | 151 | ref = refstart;
| | 152 | ref{1} = 0;
| | 153 | tref = ref;
| | 154 | refstatic = zeros(1,length(cellsize));
| | 155 |
| | 156 | % Construct cell elements by looping through absolute indices and extracting
| | 157 | % the appropriate matrix subscripts
| | 158 | for cind = 1:numel(c)
| | 159 | % Find the next cell dimension that needs to be incremented
| | 160 | inc = find(dimcounts<cellsize, 1, 'first');
| | 161 | % Update the dimension counter using the incremental cell dimension
| | 162 | dimcounts(1:inc) = [ones(1,inc-1) dimcounts(inc)+1];
| | 163 |
| | 164 | % Update the set of matrix subscripts, REF, by indexing into the input
| | 165 | % arguments
| | 166 |
| | 167 | % If not incrementing the first cell dimension, then update REF with the
| | 168 | % appropriate earlier cell dimensions as well
| | 169 | if inc~=1
| | 170 | [ref{1:inc-1}] = deal(refstart{1:inc-1});
| | 171 | refstatic(1:inc-1) = 0;
| | 172 | end
| | 173 |
| | 174 | % If we are adding an empty matrix when updating this increment's
| | 175 | % reference, then add 0 instead, but index with [], and set the
| | 176 | % REFSTATIC tracker.
| | 177 | if ~varargin{inc}(dimcounts(inc))
| | 178 | ref{inc} = ref{inc}(end);
| | 179 | refstatic(inc) = 1;
| | 180 | else
| | 181 | % When updating an increment's reference without adding 0,
| | 182 | % reset the REFSTATIC tracker
| | 183 | ref{inc} = ref{inc}(end)+(1:varargin{inc}(dimcounts(inc)));
| | 184 | refstatic(inc) = 0;
| | 185 | end
| | 186 |
| | 187 | % If any references are 0, change them to empty so that we are
| | 188 | % indexing correctly, else let TREF{n} take on REF{n}
| | 189 | for n = 1:length(refstatic)
| | 190 | if ~any(ref{n}) || refstatic(n)
| | 191 | tref{n} = [];
| | 192 | else
| | 193 | tref{n} = ref{n};
| | 194 | end
| | 195 | end
| | 196 |
| | 197 | % Finally construct the cell element by indexing into the matrix
| | 198 | c{cind} = x(tref{:});
| | 199 |
| | 200 | end
| | 201 | end
Other subfunctions in this file are not included in this listing.