time | Calls | line |
| | 1 | function S = datestr(D,varargin)
| | 2 | %DATESTR Character vector representation of date.
| | 3 | % S = DATESTR(V) converts one or more date vectors V to text. S is a
| | 4 | % character vector or character array with M rows, where M is the number
| | 5 | % of rows in V. Input V must be an M-by-6 matrix containing M full
| | 6 | % (six-element) date vectors. Each element of V must be a positive
| | 7 | % double-precision number.
| | 8 | %
| | 9 | % S = DATESTR(N) converts one or more serial date numbers N to text. S
| | 10 | % has M rows, where M is the number of rows in N. Input argument N can be
| | 11 | % a scalar, vector, or multidimensional array of positive
| | 12 | % double-precision numbers.
| | 13 | %
| | 14 | % S = DATESTR(D, F) converts one or more dates into text using the format
| | 15 | % F. Input argument F is a format number, character vector, or string
| | 16 | % scalar that determines the format of the date character vector output.
| | 17 | % D is one or more date vectors, serial date numbers, or a character
| | 18 | % array or string array representing dates. Valid values for F are given
| | 19 | % in Table 1, below. Input F may also contain a free-form date format
| | 20 | % consisting of format tokens as shown in Table 2, below.
| | 21 | %
| | 22 | % Dates in a text format using 2-character years are interpreted to be
| | 23 | % within the 100 years centered around the current year.
| | 24 | %
| | 25 | % S = DATESTR(S1, F, P) converts one or more dates into text using format
| | 26 | % F. S is a character array using format F and pivot year P as the
| | 27 | % starting year of the 100-year range in which a two-character year
| | 28 | % resides. The default pivot year is the current year minus 50 years. F =
| | 29 | % -1 uses the default format.
| | 30 | %
| | 31 | % S = DATESTR(...,'local') returns S in a localized format. The default
| | 32 | % (which can be called with 'en_US') is US English. This argument must
| | 33 | % come last in the argument sequence.
| | 34 | %
| | 35 | % Note: The vectorized calling syntax can offer significant performance
| | 36 | % improvement for large arrays.
| | 37 | %
| | 38 | % Table 1: Standard MATLAB Date format definitions
| | 39 | %
| | 40 | % Number Format Example
| | 41 | % ===========================================================================
| | 42 | % 0 'dd-mmm-yyyy HH:MM:SS' 01-Mar-2000 15:45:17
| | 43 | % 1 'dd-mmm-yyyy' 01-Mar-2000
| | 44 | % 2 'mm/dd/yy' 03/01/00
| | 45 | % 3 'mmm' Mar
| | 46 | % 4 'm' M
| | 47 | % 5 'mm' 03
| | 48 | % 6 'mm/dd' 03/01
| | 49 | % 7 'dd' 01
| | 50 | % 8 'ddd' Wed
| | 51 | % 9 'd' W
| | 52 | % 10 'yyyy' 2000
| | 53 | % 11 'yy' 00
| | 54 | % 12 'mmmyy' Mar00
| | 55 | % 13 'HH:MM:SS' 15:45:17
| | 56 | % 14 'HH:MM:SS PM' 3:45:17 PM
| | 57 | % 15 'HH:MM' 15:45
| | 58 | % 16 'HH:MM PM' 3:45 PM
| | 59 | % 17 'QQ-YY' Q1-96
| | 60 | % 18 'QQ' Q1
| | 61 | % 19 'dd/mm' 01/03
| | 62 | % 20 'dd/mm/yy' 01/03/00
| | 63 | % 21 'mmm.dd,yyyy HH:MM:SS' Mar.01,2000 15:45:17
| | 64 | % 22 'mmm.dd,yyyy' Mar.01,2000
| | 65 | % 23 'mm/dd/yyyy' 03/01/2000
| | 66 | % 24 'dd/mm/yyyy' 01/03/2000
| | 67 | % 25 'yy/mm/dd' 00/03/01
| | 68 | % 26 'yyyy/mm/dd' 2000/03/01
| | 69 | % 27 'QQ-YYYY' Q1-1996
| | 70 | % 28 'mmmyyyy' Mar2000
| | 71 | % 29 (ISO 8601) 'yyyy-mm-dd' 2000-03-01
| | 72 | % 30 (ISO 8601) 'yyyymmddTHHMMSS' 20000301T154517
| | 73 | % 31 'yyyy-mm-dd HH:MM:SS' 2000-03-01 15:45:17
| | 74 | %
| | 75 | % Table 2: Date format symbolic identifiers (Examples are in US English)
| | 76 | %
| | 77 | % Symbol Interpretation of format symbol
| | 78 | % ===========================================================================
| | 79 | % yyyy full year, e.g. 1990, 2000, 2002
| | 80 | % yy partial year, e.g. 90, 00, 02
| | 81 | % mmmm full name of the month, according to the calendar locale, e.g.
| | 82 | % "March", "April".
| | 83 | % mmm first three letters of the month, according to the calendar
| | 84 | % locale, e.g. "Mar", "Apr".
| | 85 | % mm numeric month of year, padded with leading zeros, e.g. ../03/..
| | 86 | % or ../12/..
| | 87 | % m capitalized first letter of the month, according to the
| | 88 | % calendar locale; for backwards compatibility.
| | 89 | % dddd full name of the weekday, according to the calendar locale, e.g.
| | 90 | % "Monday", "Tuesday".
| | 91 | % ddd first three letters of the weekday, according to the calendar
| | 92 | % locale, e.g. "Mon", "Tue".
| | 93 | % dd numeric day of the month, padded with leading zeros, e.g.
| | 94 | % 05/../.. or 20/../..
| | 95 | % d capitalized first letter of the weekday; for backwards
| | 96 | % compatibility
| | 97 | % QQ quarter of year, e.g. Q2
| | 98 | % HH hour of the day, according to the time format. In case the time
| | 99 | % format AM | PM is set, HH does not pad with leading zeros. In
| | 100 | % case AM | PM is not set, display the hour of the day, padded
| | 101 | % with leading zeros. e.g 10:20 PM, which is equivalent to 22:20;
| | 102 | % 9:00 AM, which is equivalent to 09:00.
| | 103 | % MM minutes of the hour, padded with leading zeros, e.g. 10:15,
| | 104 | % 10:05, 10:05 AM.
| | 105 | % SS second of the minute, padded with leading zeros, e.g. 10:15:30,
| | 106 | % 10:05:30, 10:05:30 AM.
| | 107 | % FFF milliseconds field, padded with leading zeros, e.g.
| | 108 | % 10:15:30.015.
| | 109 | % PM AM or PM
| | 110 | %
| | 111 | % Examples:
| | 112 | % DATESTR(now) returns '24-Jan-2003 11:58:15' for that particular date,
| | 113 | % on an US English locale DATESTR(now,2) returns 01/24/03, the same as
| | 114 | % for DATESTR(now,'mm/dd/yy') DATESTR(now,'dd.mm.yyyy') returns
| | 115 | % 24.01.2003 To convert a non-standard date form into a standard MATLAB
| | 116 | % dateform, first convert the non-standard date form to a date number,
| | 117 | % using DATENUM, for example,
| | 118 | % DATESTR(DATENUM('24.01.2003','dd.mm.yyyy'),2) returns 01/24/03.
| | 119 | %
| | 120 | % See also DATE, DATENUM, DATEVEC, DATETICK.
| | 121 |
| | 122 | % Copyright 1984-2019 The MathWorks, Inc.
| | 123 |
| | 124 | %==============================================================================
| | 125 |
| | 126 | import matlab.internal.datatypes.stringToLegacyText
| | 127 |
| | 128 | % handle input arguments
< 0.001 | 20 | 129 | narginchk(1,4);
0.002 | 20 | 130 | D = stringToLegacyText(D);
< 0.001 | 20 | 131 | last = nargin - 1;
< 0.001 | 20 | 132 | islocal = 0;
| | 133 |
0.002 | 20 | 134 | if last > 0 && (ischar(varargin{end}) || isstring(varargin{end}))
| | 135 | if strcmpi(varargin{end}, 'local')
| | 136 | islocal = 1;
| | 137 | last = last - 1;
| | 138 | elseif strcmpi(varargin{end},'en_us')
| | 139 | islocal = 0;
| | 140 | last = last - 1;
| | 141 | end
< 0.001 | 20 | 142 | end
| | 143 |
< 0.001 | 20 | 144 | if last > 2
| | 145 | % Force narginchk to error
| | 146 | narginchk(1,2);
< 0.001 | 20 | 147 | elseif last >= 1
0.002 | 20 | 148 | dateform = stringToLegacyText(varargin{1});
< 0.001 | 20 | 149 | if last == 2
| | 150 | pivotyear = varargin{2};
< 0.001 | 20 | 151 | end
< 0.001 | 20 | 152 | end
| | 153 |
< 0.001 | 20 | 154 | isdatestr = ~isnumeric(D);
< 0.001 | 20 | 155 | if last > 0
< 0.001 | 20 | 156 | if ~ischar(dateform)
| | 157 | % lookup date form string on index
0.002 | 20 | 158 | dateformstr = getdateform(dateform);
| | 159 | else
| | 160 | dateformstr = dateform;
< 0.001 | 20 | 161 | end
| | 162 | else
| | 163 | dateformstr = '';
< 0.001 | 20 | 164 | end
| | 165 |
< 0.001 | 20 | 166 | if last == 2 && ischar(pivotyear)
| | 167 | error(message('MATLAB:datestr:InputClass'));
< 0.001 | 20 | 168 | end
| | 169 |
| | 170 | % Convert character vectors and clock vectors to date numbers.
< 0.001 | 20 | 171 | try
0.001 | 20 | 172 | if isdatestr || (size(D,2)==6 && all(all(D(:,1:5)==fix(D(:,1:5)))) &&...
| 10 | 173 | all(abs(sum(D,2)-2000)<500))
< 0.001 | 10 | 174 | if last <= 1 || ~isdatestr %not a datestring or no pivot year.
0.003 | 10 | 175 | dtnumber = datenum(D);
| | 176 | else %datestring and pivot year were passed in.
| | 177 | dtnumber = datenum(D,pivotyear);
< 0.001 | 10 | 178 | end
< 0.001 | 10 | 179 | else %datenum was passed in
< 0.001 | 10 | 180 | dtnumber = D;
< 0.001 | 20 | 181 | end
| | 182 | catch exception
| | 183 | error(message('MATLAB:datestr:ConvertToDateNumber', exception.message));
< 0.001 | 20 | 184 | end
| | 185 |
| | 186 | % Determine format if none specified. If all the times are zero,
| | 187 | % display using date only. If all dates are all zero display time only.
| | 188 | % Otherwise display both time and date.
< 0.001 | 20 | 189 | dtnumber = dtnumber(:);
< 0.001 | 20 | 190 | if (last < 1) || (isnumeric(dateform) && (dateform == -1))
| | 191 | if all(floor(dtnumber)==dtnumber)
| | 192 | dateformstr = getdateform(1);
| | 193 | elseif all(floor(dtnumber)==0)
| | 194 | dateformstr = getdateform(16);
| | 195 | else
| | 196 | dateformstr = getdateform(0);
| | 197 | end
< 0.001 | 20 | 198 | end
| | 199 |
0.030 | 20 | 200 | S = dateformverify(dtnumber, dateformstr, islocal);
Other subfunctions in this file are not included in this listing.