This is a static copy of a profile report


AxesLayoutManager.AxesLayoutManager>AxesLayoutManager.updateInnerOuterLists (Calls: 46, Time: 0.099 s)
Generated 16-Jul-2020 17:08:59 using performance time.
class method in file /Applications/
Copy to new window for comparing multiple runs

This is a P-file for which there is no corresponding MATLAB code file

Parents (calling functions)

Function NameFunction TypeCalls
...Manager>AxesLayoutManager.doUpdateclass method46
Lines where the most time was spent
No MATLAB code to display
Children (called functions)

Function NameFunction TypeCallsTotal Time% TimeTime Plot
...tManager.removeInvalidLayoutListItemsclass method460.038 s38.3%
Legend.addToLayoutfunction460.019 s19.3%
...ponent>ListComponent.ListComponentclass method460.002 s1.8%
Self time (built-ins, overhead, etc.)  0.040 s40.6%
Totals  0.099 s100% 
Code Analyzer results
No MATLAB code to display
Coverage results
No MATLAB code to display
Function listing
No MATLAB code to display