Partial Equilbrium - 3OC

This function solves the 3OC model outcomes given interest rate and wages Back to full code page

Function Inputs :

Function Outputs : grid of


function [fl_y,mt_dis, mt_vf,mt_pf,mt_wage,mt_profit,mt_income,mt_coh, mt_o, mt_k, mt_l]= PE_3OC(varargin)

close all;
bl_profile = false;      % Switch off profile if running a tester/calling from another function
bl_saveimg = false;
profile off;
profile on;

addpath(genpath('/Users/sidhantkhanna/Documents/GitHub/BKS modified/'));

if ~isempty(varargin)

    [ar_a,ar_z,ar_n, ...
        fl_alpha,fl_theta,fl_delta,fl_kappa,fl_r,fl_w,fl_phi,fl_ahi,fl_zhi, ...
         fl_risk,it_zgridno, it_agridno,it_ngridno, mt_trans_z,mt_trans_n,fl_beta, fl_mu_z, fl_sig_z,fl_rho_z,fl_lambda_z,fl_tolvfi, fl_toldis ...
        ] = varargin{:};

    bl_print  = false;
    bl_plot   = false;

    fl_alo         = 0;
    fl_ahi         = 50;
    fl_zhi         = 2.2;
    it_agridno     = 50;
    it_zgridno     = 7;
    it_ngridno     = 2;
  % ar_a           = linspace(0,fl_ahi,it_agridno);
    mp_grid_control = containers.Map('KeyType','char', 'ValueType','any');
    mp_grid_control('grid_powerspace_power') = 2;
 %  ar_a           = ff_saveborr_grid(fl_alo, fl_ahi, it_agridno,  mp_grid_control)
    ar_a           = ff_saveborr_grid(fl_alo, fl_ahi, it_agridno, 'grid_powerspace', mp_grid_control);
    ar_a           = ar_a';

    fl_phi         = 0.5;
    fl_risk        = 1.5;
    fl_alpha       = 0.4;
    fl_theta       = 0.79-fl_alpha;
    fl_delta       = 0.08;
    fl_kappa       = 0;
    fl_mu_z        = 0;                   % mean of AR(1) entrepeneurial productivity process
    fl_rho_z       = 0.9;                 % persistence parameter of the AR(1) entrepreneurial productivity process
    fl_sig_z       = 0.2;
    fl_lambda_z    = 3;
    fl_beta        = 0.92;
    [ar_z, mt_trans_z] = ffy_rouwenhorst(fl_rho_z,fl_sig_z,it_zgridno);
    ar_z           = exp(ar_z);
    P1             = mt_trans_z^1000;
    sd             = P1(1,:);
    el             = sd*ar_z;
    ar_z           = ar_z/el;
    ar_z           = ar_z';
    ar_n =[0,1];
%  [ar_z, mt_trans_z] = mytauchen_z(fl_mu_z,fl_rho_z,fl_sig_z,it_zgridno,fl_lambda_z);
    mt_trans_n =[0.4,0.6;0.4,0.6];
    [fl_r,fl_w] = ...
    fl_tolvfi    = 10^-12;
    fl_toldis    = 10^-12;              % Tolerance level for convergence stationary distribution
    bl_print  = true;
    bl_plot   = true;

fl_R  = fl_r + fl_delta;

[a_m,z_m] = meshgrid(ar_a,ar_z);
a_m       = a_m';
z_m       = z_m';
a_m_3OC   = repmat (a_m, [1 1 it_ngridno]);
z_m_3OC   = repmat (z_m, [1 1 it_ngridno]);

[mt_dis, mt_vf,mt_pf,mt_wage,mt_profit,mt_income,mt_coh,mt_o, mt_k, mt_l]=hhsave_dis_3OC(ar_a,ar_z,ar_n, ...
        fl_alpha,fl_theta,fl_delta,fl_kappa,fl_r,fl_w,fl_phi,fl_ahi,fl_zhi, ...
         fl_risk,it_zgridno, it_agridno,it_ngridno, mt_trans_z,mt_trans_n,fl_beta, fl_mu_z, fl_sig_z,fl_rho_z, ...
     fl_lambda_z, fl_tolvfi, fl_toldis );

mt_ent               = zeros(it_agridno,it_zgridno,it_ngridno);
mt_se                = zeros(it_agridno,it_zgridno,it_ngridno);
mt_worker            = zeros(it_agridno,it_zgridno,it_ngridno);

mt_ent(mt_o==2)      = 1;
mt_se (mt_o==1)      = 1;
mt_worker(mt_o==0)   = 1;

Model Outcomes

% Total Output

fl_y       = sum(sum(sum(z_m_3OC.*mt_dis.*mt_k.^fl_alpha.*mt_l.^fl_theta)));

% Capital and labor demanded

fl_kdemand   = sum(sum(sum(mt_dis.*mt_k)));
fl_ldemand   = sum(sum(sum(mt_dis.*mt_l)));

% Capital and labor supplied

fl_ksupply   = sum(sum(sum(mt_dis.*mt_pf)));
fl_lsupply   = sum(sum(sum(mt_dis.*mt_worker)));

% Percent employed in each occupations

fl_percent_ent       = sum(sum(sum(mt_dis.*mt_ent)));
fl_percent_se        = sum(sum(sum(mt_dis.*mt_se)));
fl_percent_worker    = sum(sum(sum(mt_dis.*mt_worker)));

% Talent of entrepreneurs

mt_dis_ent          = mt_dis;
mt_dis_ent(mt_o~=2) = 0;
mt_z_m_3OC_ent      = z_m_3OC;
mt_z_m_3OC_ent(mt_o~=2)= 0;
ar_z_m_3OC_ent      = mt_z_m_3OC_ent(:);
ar_dis_ent          = mt_dis_ent(:);
ar_dis_ent(ar_z_m_3OC_ent==0)   = [];
ar_z_m_3OC_ent(ar_z_m_3OC_ent==0) = [];
fl_length_ent = length(ar_dis_ent);

%fl_mean_tal_ent = (sum(sum(sum(z_m_3OC.*mt_dis_ent))))/(sum(sum(sum(mt_dis_ent))));
fl_mean_tal_ent = sum(ar_z_m_3OC_ent.*ar_dis_ent)/(sum(ar_dis_ent));
W = ar_dis_ent/(sum(ar_dis_ent));
X = ar_z_m_3OC_ent;
Wmean = fl_mean_tal_ent;
N = fl_length_ent;
%fl_sd_tal_ent = sqrt((sum(W.*(X - Wmean).^2)) / ((N-1)*sum(W)/N));
fl_sd_tal_ent = std(X,W);

%Talent of Informal firm owners
mt_dis_se          = mt_dis;
mt_dis_se(mt_o~=1) = 0;

mt_z_m_3OC_se      = z_m_3OC;
mt_z_m_3OC_se(mt_o~=1)= 0;
ar_z_m_3OC_se      = mt_z_m_3OC_se(:);
ar_dis_se          = mt_dis_se(:);
ar_dis_se(ar_z_m_3OC_se==0)   = [];
ar_z_m_3OC_se(ar_z_m_3OC_se==0) = [];
fl_length_se = length(ar_dis_se);

fl_mean_tal_se = sum(ar_z_m_3OC_se.*ar_dis_se)/(sum(ar_dis_se));
W = ar_dis_se;
X = ar_z_m_3OC_se;
Wmean = fl_mean_tal_se;
N = fl_length_se;
%fl_sd_tal_se = sqrt((sum(W.*(X - Wmean).^2)) / ((N-1)*sum(W)/N));
fl_sd_tal_se = std(X,W);

% Firm size distributions
ar_l   = mt_l(:);
ar_dis = mt_dis(:);
ar_dis(ar_l==0) = [];
ar_l(ar_l==0)   = [];
fl_mean_l        = sum(ar_dis.*ar_l)/(sum(ar_dis));
fl_length_l = length(ar_l);

W = ar_dis;
X = ar_l;
Wmean = fl_mean_l;
N = fl_length_l;
%fl_sd_l = sqrt((sum(W.*(X - Wmean).^2)/N) / ((N-1)*sum(W)/N));
fl_sd_l = std(X,W);

draw_rand_count = 100000;
labor_idx_simu = randsample(1:length(ar_dis), draw_rand_count, true, ar_dis);
labor_draws = ar_l (labor_idx_simu);

% Asset distribution
ar_a_dis =sum(mt_dis,[2,3]);

    disp ('Degree of Contract enforcement friction is:')
    disp('Output per capita is:')
    disp('Total capital per capita demanded is:')
    disp('Total labor per capita demanded is:')
    disp('Percentage entrepreneurs')
    disp('Percentage self-employed other than entrepreneurs')
    disp('Percentage workers');
    disp('Mean talent of Entrepreneurs');
    disp('Mean talent of Self Employed');
    disp('SD talent of Entrepreneurs');
    disp('SD talent of Self Employed');
    disp('Mean of Firm Size');
    disp('SD of Firm Size');
    disp('Joint distribution')



colormap( [1 0 1; 1 0 1; 1 1 0] )
title('OC Policy function, l=0, Pink = SE, Yellow = Ent','FontSize',20);
xlabel('assets','FontSize', 20);
ylabel('Entrepreneurial productivity','FontSize', 20);

colormap( [1 1 1; 1 0 0; 1 1 0] )
title('OC Policy function, l=1, White = worker, Yellow = Ent','FontSize',20);
xlabel('assets','FontSize', 20);
ylabel('Entrepreneurial productivity','FontSize', 20);

hist(labor_draws, 40)
title('Low phi','FontSize', 25);
xlabel('firm size','FontSize', 25);
ylabel('No of firms','FontSize', 25);
xt = get(gca, 'XTick');
set(gca, 'XTick', xt, 'XTickLabel', xt, 'FontSize',20);
xlim([0 30])
ylim ([0 80000])



Degree of Contract enforcement friction is:

Output per capita is:

Total capital per capita demanded is:

Total labor per capita demanded is:

Percentage entrepreneurs

Percentage self-employed other than entrepreneurs

Percentage workers

Mean talent of Entrepreneurs

Mean talent of Self Employed

SD talent of Entrepreneurs

SD talent of Self Employed

Mean of Firm Size

SD of Firm Size

Joint distribution

(:,:,1) =

    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
    0.0000    0.0001    0.0001    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
    0.0000    0.0001    0.0002    0.0002    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
    0.0000    0.0002    0.0005    0.0003    0.0001    0.0000    0.0000
    0.0001    0.0007    0.0014    0.0008    0.0001    0.0000    0.0000
    0.0001    0.0017    0.0038    0.0018    0.0003    0.0000    0.0000
    0.0002    0.0008    0.0034    0.0030    0.0009    0.0001    0.0000
    0.0005    0.0036    0.0072    0.0059    0.0017    0.0002    0.0000
    0.0008    0.0034    0.0070    0.0075    0.0026    0.0002    0.0000
    0.0007    0.0037    0.0082    0.0110    0.0039    0.0004    0.0000
    0.0004    0.0022    0.0068    0.0193    0.0170    0.0017    0.0000
    0.0005    0.0042    0.0096    0.0058    0.0029    0.0004    0.0000
    0.0006    0.0012    0.0025    0.0031    0.0019    0.0005    0.0000
    0.0002    0.0010    0.0024    0.0033    0.0030    0.0016    0.0001
    0.0002    0.0010    0.0024    0.0030    0.0019    0.0005    0.0000
    0.0002    0.0010    0.0024    0.0032    0.0020    0.0005    0.0000
    0.0002    0.0010    0.0025    0.0033    0.0029    0.0014    0.0001
    0.0002    0.0010    0.0024    0.0031    0.0020    0.0005    0.0000
    0.0002    0.0010    0.0025    0.0033    0.0021    0.0006    0.0001
    0.0002    0.0010    0.0025    0.0035    0.0028    0.0013    0.0001
    0.0001    0.0009    0.0025    0.0034    0.0022    0.0006    0.0000
    0.0001    0.0009    0.0025    0.0036    0.0023    0.0007    0.0001
    0.0001    0.0008    0.0025    0.0039    0.0030    0.0012    0.0001
    0.0001    0.0007    0.0024    0.0041    0.0027    0.0007    0.0000
    0.0001    0.0006    0.0021    0.0048    0.0086    0.0014    0.0001
    0.0001    0.0005    0.0015    0.0022    0.0020    0.0016    0.0001
    0.0001    0.0005    0.0014    0.0022    0.0019    0.0012    0.0001
    0.0001    0.0004    0.0013    0.0022    0.0018    0.0013    0.0001
    0.0001    0.0004    0.0012    0.0024    0.0015    0.0010    0.0001
    0.0001    0.0003    0.0009    0.0012    0.0013    0.0011    0.0001
    0.0001    0.0003    0.0008    0.0012    0.0012    0.0009    0.0001
    0.0001    0.0003    0.0008    0.0011    0.0011    0.0009    0.0001
    0.0000    0.0003    0.0009    0.0010    0.0010    0.0007    0.0001
    0.0000    0.0003    0.0010    0.0010    0.0010    0.0008    0.0001
    0.0000    0.0002    0.0005    0.0008    0.0009    0.0007    0.0001
    0.0000    0.0002    0.0005    0.0008    0.0009    0.0007    0.0001
    0.0000    0.0001    0.0004    0.0008    0.0008    0.0006    0.0001
    0.0000    0.0001    0.0004    0.0007    0.0008    0.0006    0.0001
    0.0000    0.0001    0.0004    0.0007    0.0008    0.0005    0.0001
    0.0000    0.0001    0.0003    0.0007    0.0008    0.0005    0.0001
    0.0000    0.0001    0.0003    0.0007    0.0008    0.0005    0.0001
    0.0000    0.0001    0.0003    0.0007    0.0008    0.0005    0.0002
    0.0000    0.0001    0.0003    0.0006    0.0008    0.0005    0.0001
    0.0000    0.0000    0.0002    0.0006    0.0009    0.0008    0.0001
    0.0000    0.0000    0.0002    0.0005    0.0008    0.0007    0.0001
    0.0000    0.0000    0.0001    0.0005    0.0008    0.0006    0.0001
    0.0000    0.0000    0.0001    0.0004    0.0008    0.0006    0.0002
    0.0000    0.0000    0.0001    0.0004    0.0009    0.0005    0.0002
    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0003    0.0010    0.0005    0.0001
    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0001    0.0011    0.0048    0.0028

(:,:,2) =

    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
    0.0000    0.0001    0.0002    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
    0.0000    0.0001    0.0003    0.0003    0.0001    0.0000    0.0000
    0.0000    0.0004    0.0008    0.0005    0.0001    0.0000    0.0000
    0.0001    0.0010    0.0021    0.0012    0.0002    0.0000    0.0000
    0.0002    0.0026    0.0058    0.0026    0.0005    0.0000    0.0000
    0.0003    0.0012    0.0051    0.0045    0.0014    0.0001    0.0000
    0.0007    0.0054    0.0108    0.0088    0.0026    0.0002    0.0000
    0.0011    0.0052    0.0104    0.0112    0.0039    0.0003    0.0000
    0.0010    0.0055    0.0123    0.0165    0.0058    0.0006    0.0000
    0.0006    0.0034    0.0102    0.0289    0.0255    0.0026    0.0001
    0.0008    0.0064    0.0143    0.0087    0.0044    0.0006    0.0000
    0.0009    0.0018    0.0037    0.0047    0.0029    0.0007    0.0000
    0.0002    0.0014    0.0036    0.0049    0.0045    0.0023    0.0001
    0.0002    0.0015    0.0036    0.0045    0.0028    0.0007    0.0000
    0.0002    0.0015    0.0036    0.0047    0.0030    0.0008    0.0000
    0.0002    0.0015    0.0037    0.0050    0.0043    0.0021    0.0001
    0.0002    0.0015    0.0037    0.0047    0.0030    0.0008    0.0000
    0.0002    0.0015    0.0037    0.0049    0.0032    0.0009    0.0001
    0.0002    0.0014    0.0038    0.0052    0.0043    0.0019    0.0001
    0.0002    0.0014    0.0038    0.0050    0.0033    0.0009    0.0001
    0.0002    0.0014    0.0038    0.0054    0.0035    0.0010    0.0001
    0.0002    0.0013    0.0038    0.0058    0.0045    0.0018    0.0001
    0.0002    0.0011    0.0036    0.0062    0.0040    0.0010    0.0001
    0.0001    0.0009    0.0031    0.0072    0.0129    0.0020    0.0001
    0.0001    0.0008    0.0022    0.0034    0.0031    0.0024    0.0002
    0.0001    0.0007    0.0021    0.0033    0.0028    0.0018    0.0002
    0.0001    0.0007    0.0020    0.0033    0.0026    0.0020    0.0002
    0.0001    0.0006    0.0018    0.0037    0.0023    0.0015    0.0001
    0.0001    0.0005    0.0013    0.0019    0.0020    0.0017    0.0002
    0.0001    0.0005    0.0013    0.0018    0.0018    0.0013    0.0001
    0.0001    0.0005    0.0013    0.0017    0.0017    0.0014    0.0001
    0.0001    0.0005    0.0013    0.0016    0.0015    0.0011    0.0002
    0.0001    0.0004    0.0015    0.0014    0.0015    0.0012    0.0002
    0.0001    0.0003    0.0007    0.0012    0.0014    0.0010    0.0002
    0.0000    0.0004    0.0007    0.0012    0.0013    0.0010    0.0002
    0.0000    0.0002    0.0006    0.0011    0.0013    0.0009    0.0001
    0.0000    0.0002    0.0006    0.0011    0.0012    0.0009    0.0002
    0.0000    0.0001    0.0005    0.0011    0.0012    0.0008    0.0001
    0.0000    0.0001    0.0005    0.0010    0.0012    0.0008    0.0001
    0.0000    0.0001    0.0005    0.0010    0.0012    0.0007    0.0002
    0.0000    0.0001    0.0004    0.0010    0.0012    0.0008    0.0003
    0.0000    0.0001    0.0004    0.0009    0.0013    0.0007    0.0002
    0.0000    0.0001    0.0003    0.0009    0.0013    0.0012    0.0002
    0.0000    0.0000    0.0003    0.0008    0.0013    0.0011    0.0002
    0.0000    0.0000    0.0002    0.0007    0.0012    0.0009    0.0001
    0.0000    0.0000    0.0002    0.0007    0.0012    0.0009    0.0002
    0.0000    0.0000    0.0001    0.0006    0.0013    0.0008    0.0002
    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0004    0.0015    0.0008    0.0002
    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0002    0.0017    0.0071    0.0042

ans =
