Computing optimal capital and labor
This function computes the optimal choice of capital and labor for all combinations of state of assets and productivity based on degree of imperfect enforcement of contracts
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Function Inputs : asset grid(1 by M) and entrepreneurial productivity grid(1 by N) relevant model parameters required to compute the constraint on capital and labor based on the degree of contract enforceability.
Function Outputs : Matrices k star and l star (both M X N) for each combination of a and z. mt_id returns index of min of contstraint k and unconstrained k
, if
, if
function [mt_k_star, mt_l_star, mt_id]=optikl(varargin)
close all; bl_profile = false; % Switch off profile if running a tester/calling from another function bl_saveimg = false; if(bl_profile) profile off; profile on; end addpath(genpath('/Users/sidhantkhanna/Documents/GitHub/BKS modified/')); if ~isempty(varargin) [ar_a,ar_z, ... fl_alpha,fl_theta,fl_delta,fl_kappa,fl_r,fl_w,fl_phi,fl_ahi,fl_zhi, ... it_zgridno, it_agridno, ... ] = varargin{:}; bl_print = false; bl_plot = false; else close all; fl_ahi = 5; fl_zhi = 2.2; it_agridno = 5; it_zgridno = 6; ar_a = linspace(0,fl_ahi,it_agridno); ar_z = linspace(1,fl_zhi,it_zgridno); fl_phi = 0.1; fl_alpha = 0.4; fl_theta = 0.79-fl_alpha; fl_delta = 0.05; fl_kappa = 0; [fl_r,fl_w,fl_ahi] = ... deal(0.05,3,100); bl_print = true; bl_plot = true; end
Set Parameters
fl_R = fl_r + fl_delta;
Set Controls
bl_constrained = true; if( fl_phi == 1) bl_constrained = false; end bl_feas = true; %
Mesh Grids
[a_m,z_m] = meshgrid(ar_a,ar_z); % creates 2 matrices of size it_zgridno x it_agridno % a_m has it_zgridno no. of identical rows, each row is ar_a. So each column % has identical a element repeated it_zgridno times % z_m has it_agridno no of identical columns, each column is ar_z. So each % row has identical z element repeated it_agridno times ar_a_v = a_m(:); % matrix unlayered one column under another ar_z_v = z_m(:); % matrix unlayered one column under another ar_k_unc = exp((log(fl_R./(ar_z_v.*fl_alpha))- fl_theta*log(fl_R./(ar_z_v.*fl_alpha))+ fl_theta.*log(fl_w./(ar_z_v.*fl_theta)))./(fl_alpha+fl_theta-1)); ar_l_unc = exp((log(fl_w./(ar_z_v.*fl_theta))+ fl_alpha*log(fl_R./(ar_z_v.*fl_alpha))- fl_alpha.*log(fl_w./(ar_z_v.*fl_theta)))./(fl_alpha+fl_theta-1)); mt_k_unc = reshape(ar_k_unc, [it_zgridno,it_agridno]); mt_l_unc = reshape(ar_l_unc, [it_zgridno,it_agridno]); mt_k_unc = mt_k_unc'; mt_l_unc = mt_l_unc';
Optimal Unconstrained
if (~bl_constrained) % in the constrained case, a can not matter, but z does matter if(bl_feas) feas = (1+fl_r)*fl_kappa; feas_v = ar_z_v.*ar_k_unc.^fl_alpha.*ar_l_unc.^fl_theta; for i = 1:numel(ar_a_v) if (feas_v(i)<feas) ar_k_unc(i) = 0; ar_l_unc(i) = 0; end end end mt_k_unc = reshape(ar_k_unc, [it_zgridno,it_agridno]); mt_l_unc = reshape(ar_l_unc, [it_zgridno,it_agridno]); mt_k_unc = mt_k_unc'; mt_l_unc = mt_l_unc'; mt_k_star = mt_k_unc; mt_l_star = mt_l_unc; mt_id = ones(it_zgridno,it_agridno); % index of min between constraint k and unconstraned k if( bl_print) disp('Below is mt_k_star') disp(size(mt_k_star)); disp(mt_k_star); disp('Below is mt_l_star') disp(size(mt_l_star)); disp(mt_l_star); end else
Optimal Constrained
% calls function con_kl to evaluate the constraint on capital [ar_k_bar,ar_l_bar] = con_kl(ar_a_v, ar_z_v,ar_a,ar_z, fl_ahi,fl_zhi,fl_phi,fl_theta,fl_alpha,fl_w,fl_r,fl_delta,fl_kappa,it_agridno,it_zgridno); mt_k_bar=reshape(ar_k_bar, [it_zgridno,it_agridno]); mt_l_bar=reshape(ar_l_bar, [it_zgridno,it_agridno]); mt_k_bar = mt_k_bar'; mt_l_bar = mt_l_bar'; k3 = [ar_k_unc,ar_k_bar]; [k4,id] = min(abs(k3')); % K star is min of k_unc and k_con. k3 transposed for the correct order for id ar_k_star = k4'; l3 =[ar_l_unc,ar_l_bar]; ar_l_star = zeros(numel(ar_a_v),1); % assigning l star in constrained case for i = 1:numel(ar_a_v) ar_l_star(i,1)=l3(i,id(i)); end if(bl_feas) feas = (1+fl_r)*fl_kappa; feas_v = ar_z_v.*ar_k_star.^fl_alpha.*ar_l_star.^fl_theta; for i = 1:numel(ar_a_v) if (feas_v(i)<feas) ar_k_star(i) = 0; ar_l_star(i) = 0; end end end mt_k_star=reshape(ar_k_star, [it_zgridno,it_agridno]); mt_l_star=reshape(ar_l_star, [it_zgridno,it_agridno]); mt_id = reshape(id, [it_zgridno,it_agridno]); mt_k_star=mt_k_star'; mt_l_star=mt_l_star'; mt_id = mt_id'; if( bl_print) disp('Below is mt_k_unc') disp(size(mt_k_unc)); disp(mt_k_unc); disp('Below is mt_k_con') disp(mt_k_bar); disp('Below is mt_k_star') disp(size(mt_k_star)); disp(mt_k_star); disp('Below is mt_l_unc') disp(size(mt_l_unc)); disp(mt_l_unc); disp('Below is mt_l_con') disp(mt_l_bar); disp('Below is mt_l_star') disp(mt_l_star); end if(bl_plot)
3D Plots for k* and l*
figure (1) a1 = surf(ar_z, ar_a, mt_k_bar , 'FaceColor','r', 'FaceAlpha',0.5, 'EdgeColor','r'); M1 = 'k bar'; hold on a2 = surf(ar_z, ar_a, mt_k_unc , 'FaceColor','b', 'FaceAlpha',0.5, 'EdgeColor','b'); M2 = 'k unc'; %hold on %a3 = surf(ar_z, ar_a, mt_k_star,'FaceColor','g', 'FaceAlpha',0.5, 'EdgeColor','g'); M3 = 'k star' ; hold off xlabel('z'); ylabel('a'); zlabel('k(unconstrained/constrained/optimal)'); LEG = legend([a1;a2], M1, M2, 'Location','north') LEG.FontSize = 20; view(150,15); set(gca,'FontSize',17) if(bl_saveimg) saveas(gcf, '/Users/sidhantkhanna/Documents/GitHub/BKS modified/code/Firms/figures/optikl/Optimum_k.png') end figure (2) b1 = surf(ar_z, ar_a, mt_l_bar, 'FaceColor','r', 'FaceAlpha',0.5, 'EdgeColor','r'); N1 = 'l bar'; hold on b2 = surf(ar_z, ar_a, mt_l_unc, 'FaceColor','b', 'FaceAlpha',0.5, 'EdgeColor','b'); N2 = 'l unc'; %hold on %b3 = surf(ar_z, ar_a, mt_l_star,'FaceColor','g', 'FaceAlpha',0.5, 'EdgeColor','g'); N3 = 'l star' ; hold off xlabel('z'); ylabel('a'); zlabel('l(unconstrained/constrained/optimal)'); LEG = legend([b1;b2], N1, N2, 'Location','north') LEG.FontSize = 20; view(150,15); set(gca,'FontSize',17) if(bl_saveimg) saveas(gcf, '/Users/sidhantkhanna/Documents/GitHub/BKS modified/code/Firms/figures/optikl/Optimum_l.png') end
LEG = Legend (k bar, k unc) with properties: String: {'k bar' 'k unc'} Location: 'north' Orientation: 'vertical' FontSize: 9 Position: [0.4604 0.8429 0.1143 0.0631] Units: 'normalized' Use GET to show all properties LEG = Legend (l bar, l unc) with properties: String: {'l bar' 'l unc'} Location: 'north' Orientation: 'vertical' FontSize: 9 Position: [0.4630 0.8429 0.1089 0.0631] Units: 'normalized' Use GET to show all properties
2D plot for k*
% Jet color Graph All figure(3); hold on; % one line, unconstrained choice pl_unc = plot(ar_z, mt_k_unc(1,:)); pl_unc.HandleVisibility = 'on'; pl_unc.LineStyle = '-'; pl_unc.Color = 'black'; pl_unc.LineWidth = 4; % one constrained choice line, low a pl_unc = plot(ar_z, mt_k_bar(2,:)); pl_unc.HandleVisibility = 'on'; pl_unc.LineStyle = '--'; pl_unc.Color = 'red'; pl_unc.LineWidth = 3; % one constrained choice line, high a pl_unc = plot(ar_z, mt_k_bar(4,:)); pl_unc.HandleVisibility = 'on'; pl_unc.LineStyle = '-.'; pl_unc.Color = 'blue'; pl_unc.LineWidth = 3; % additional options grid on; grid minor; xlim([1, 2.2]); ylim([0, 10]); title('Unconstrained Choices and Endogenous Borrowing Constraints'); ylabel('Capital Levels'); xlabel({'Productivity Levels'}); legend({'Unconstrained Optimal Choice',... 'Borrowing Bound low A', ... 'Borrowing Bound high A'}, 'Location', 'best', 'Interpreter','latex'); if(bl_saveimg) saveas(gcf, '/Users/sidhantkhanna/Documents/GitHub/BKS modified/code/Firms/figures/optikl/Optimum_2D.png') end hold off;
Below is mt_k_unc 5 6 1.2685 3.5332 8.2050 16.7831 31.2610 54.1865 1.2685 3.5332 8.2050 16.7831 31.2610 54.1865 1.2685 3.5332 8.2050 16.7831 31.2610 54.1865 1.2685 3.5332 8.2050 16.7831 31.2610 54.1865 1.2685 3.5332 8.2050 16.7831 31.2610 54.1865 Below is mt_k_con 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.0002 0.0003 1.3959 1.4052 1.4157 1.4276 1.4407 1.4551 2.7826 2.7971 2.8136 2.8321 2.8526 2.8748 4.1672 4.1861 4.2076 4.2316 4.2581 4.2870 5.5507 5.5735 5.5994 5.6283 5.6602 5.6949 Below is mt_k_star 5 6 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.0002 0.0003 1.2685 1.4052 1.4157 1.4276 1.4407 1.4551 1.2685 2.7971 2.8136 2.8321 2.8526 2.8748 1.2685 3.5332 4.2076 4.2316 4.2581 4.2870 1.2685 3.5332 5.5994 5.6283 5.6602 5.6949 Below is mt_l_unc 5 6 0.0412 0.1148 0.2667 0.5454 1.0160 1.7611 0.0412 0.1148 0.2667 0.5454 1.0160 1.7611 0.0412 0.1148 0.2667 0.5454 1.0160 1.7611 0.0412 0.1148 0.2667 0.5454 1.0160 1.7611 0.0412 0.1148 0.2667 0.5454 1.0160 1.7611 Below is mt_l_con 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.0002 0.0004 0.0007 0.0439 0.0627 0.0843 0.1084 0.1351 0.1643 0.0690 0.0985 0.1322 0.1698 0.2114 0.2568 0.0899 0.1283 0.1721 0.2210 0.2749 0.3337 0.1085 0.1548 0.2076 0.2664 0.3313 0.4020 Below is mt_l_star 0.0000 0.0000 0.0001 0.0002 0.0004 0.0007 0.0412 0.0627 0.0843 0.1084 0.1351 0.1643 0.0412 0.0985 0.1322 0.1698 0.2114 0.2568 0.0412 0.1148 0.1721 0.2210 0.2749 0.3337 0.0412 0.1148 0.2076 0.2664 0.3313 0.4020
end if(bl_profile) profile off; profile viewer; st_file_name = '/Users/sidhantkhanna/Documents/GitHub/BKS modified/code/Profile/Firms/optikl'; profsave(profile('info'), st_file_name); end